Long Term Goals are Important
Ok, it’s late in the day but I’ve been inspired to keep track of how much I practice daily and to share it publicly. In fact, I may have lifted this idea from a good friend of mine who’s into working out, cheers Craig.
I’m doing this not only to observe my progress over a long period of time but in hope to inspire at least one person into considering how beneficial daily practice can be, no matter how long the session. We all understand that there are days where we cannot make time in which to practice and I’m expecting to document those days too.
Today is about warming up; much too often in recent months, I have neglected the importance of warming up and not just from a musician’s point of view.
I have created this exercise that although doesn’t sound musical, is perfect for coordination building. Every number represents a fret and a finger, respectively. I’m working with sixteenth notes at 85bpm and the interval timer is set to go off every 60 seconds. 24 combinations @ 60 seconds each = 24 mins warm-up time.
p.s. happy new year.
#guitar #practice #warmup #metronome #intervaltimer #coordination